
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

A Bit of News... • Yes, I’m gonna use the words “I” and “My” a lot

For those first hearing this, I'm bowing out of the St. Louis Theater Circle. This is nothing at all personal, as I value all of the new friendships I’ve made through the Circle, and this incredible theatre community. I'm still going to review shows, but I need to just ease back on the number of plays and musicals I see a little bit.

Honestly, my 9 to 5 job as a video editor has required more of my time lately -- called in for late weekday nights and weekend assignments, and that's made blogging challenging. And, as most know, I’m already challenged when it comes to getting stuff out on time. The annual number of shows required for members (40) is more than fair, considering the massive number of shows that happen in St. Louis during any given year -- but if I can't hold up my end of the bargain, I'd rather step aside, out of the group, relieve some of the pressure, and try to work on becoming a better reviewer/writer, while keeping the job that pays the mortgage.

When I started this blog, it was a refreshing hobby to fill in the creative holes that my job left open, while indulging a latent passion for theatre. The last thing I want is for theatre going and reviewing to become a chore, as opposed to a welcomed comfort. I admire our pros in the Circle who write beautifully thoughtful reviews in a timely manner. Alas, I’m not there yet. :)

I look forward to contributing to the Circle Awards Ceremony as I can, (and certainly promoting it and going, cause it’s hella fun) and again, I will continue to see shows and keep up the blog. And I’ll keep seeing all of you at shows and stuff -- a reward I'm grateful for. I just had to take a self-imposed “time-out” from the organization -- a group that I'm proud to have been one of several founding members.

Now, here’s where I pimp myself out -- if you haven’t already, please “like” my Facebook page, check me out on Twitter, Youtube, and of course, the blog, where you can catch up on a selection of our vast array of companies, and productions happening now and in the future.

Thanks to you all, and GO SEE A PLAY!!

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